Saturday, December 24, 2011

New Xrays

Not much has changed over the last month. The bone bridge will probably consolidate by my next visit, which isn't for 6 months.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Test Socket

I've been laid up for the past few days with a pretty awesome bout of viral gastroenteritis, and I don't really feel like typing much at the moment. Nevertheless, I had my test socket fitting today, and I'm pretty excited about the prospect of ditching the crutches. It will definitely take some getting used to, and my leg will continue to get stronger as the bone bridge solidifies. For now, I've decided on the Fusion foot, from Ohio Willow Wood.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Surprising turn of events... I had my checkup on Wednesday, and I was actually cleared for prosthetics! The doctor applied a decent amount of force with the palm of his hand to the end of my leg, and I tolerated it just fine. It wasn't uncomfortable or painful, and nothing snapped... so I guess that's a good sign.

I won't delete my earlier post. I think Ertl patients need to realize that you will get frustrated, you will hit a low, and you will rethink the decision. I have yet to see whether my outcome will leave me better off, but things are certainly starting to look better.

More x-rays coming soon.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

9 Weeks

Tomorrow is the 9 week mark. Another check-up in Cleveland next week. Not expecting anything except, "Come back in 3 or 4 weeks." Probably shouldn't even waste my time going there, but I'm a sucker.