I was sent home with one-month supplies of extended-release oxycodone, percocet, and Motrin, but I really think I'd be OK with just the ibuprofen at this point. The pain is really not bad at all. Donning the shrinker sock continues to be a chore, but today wasn't nearly as bad as the first time.
I had a legitimate shower today, which was extremely refreshing.
Corrine and I walked 0.4 miles around the neighborhood, which is about as much as I can do comfortably at this point. We walked 0.2 miles yesterday. Part of the problem is that I don't have "crutch palms" yet, so they're extremely tender & on the verge of forming blisters. They'll toughen up, along with the rest of me.
Daily, I'm taking 1360 mg of fish oil, 5000 IU of vitamin D, plus my usual multivitamin. I'm usually a camel when it comes to water, but I've been drinking a lot lately. I blame the oxycodone for that (and I blame it for lots of other unpleasant side-effects.)
I had some questions that I emailed to Dr Clair this afternoon. He wound up giving me his personal cell phone number, and offering to work me into his schedule tomorrow if I thought it would help (but I declined.) I am continually impressed by his professionalism and dedication to the patient.
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