Saturday, October 6, 2012

One Year Anniversary

I've really neglected this blog, and I apologize. Earlier in the summer, I was having problems with an ill-fitting socket, I was becoming discouraged, and I finally decided to change prosthetists. I'm now with Hanger (Ryan Stark) in Johnson City, NY, and it's been a terrific experience. The test socket fit perfectly (literally no changes were needed) and the new carbon socket is a work of art. Ryan pieced together some components so I could swap between the Fusion everyday foot and the Nitro running foot.

It's now been exactly one year since my surgery. Here are the results:

(not sure why YouTube messed up the colors... I'll try to fix it)

1 comment:

  1. HI
    you are great men... love to read more your lovely ideas ... how about your health to day???????????
